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Loaner Tool Program

VWs were designed to be economical, but reliable transportation for the masses. The overall simplistic design and the affordability of ownership is why most of us fell in love with them to begin with.

This program is designed to assist and encourage Club Members to learn more about the mechanical aspects of their vehicles as well as the repair and maintenance of them. We offer the use of these tools as part of your yearly membership benefits. Many of these tools have very specific uses and would only be needed once in a while if purchased by someone. Instructions are available upon request.

Club Owned Tools:

Carb Synchronizer

Used for synchronizing dual carburetors

Clutch Alignment Tools

Type 1 engines with auto stick

Type 1, 2, 3 1600cc engines

Type 2, 4, & Vanagon engines

Crank Timing Gear Puller

For removing timing gear from Type 1, 2, 3 & 4 Engines (don't forget to remove the snap ring first)

Deck Height Measuring Tool

For measuring deck height and calculating compression ratio on Type 1 engines

Flywheel Lock Tool

Stops the crankshaft from turning while tightening or loosening the flywheel gland nut

Oil Filler Nut Socket

For removing oil filler housing nut

Oil Pump Puller

Used to pull the engine oil pump from the case after loosening case nuts

Valve Lifter Retaining Clips Set

Stops lifters from falling out during engine assembly

8mm 12 point Socket

For removing 12 point CV axle bolts

8mm 6 Point Socket

For removing 6 point CV axle bolts

36mm Axle socket

For use on Type 1 rear axle nuts

46mm Axle socket

For use on Type 2 rear axle nuts

Wrist Pin Punch

Used to drive out stuck wrist pins

Tourqe Meister.jpg


The “Torque-Meister tool is designed to easily remove or torque 36mm flywheel gland nuts and rear axle nuts.

*Donated by Dave Marsh

Case Splitter Tool

Fits in oil pump hole and is used to split stuck case halves

Crank Pulley Puller

Used to remove crank pulley

Crankshaft End Play Tool

For measuring crankshaft end play on all Air-Cooled VW engines

Distributor Drive Puller

For removing distributor drive gear on all Air-Cooled VWs engines

Flywheel Seal Installer

Simple tool used to evenly press the rear main seal into the case on Type 1 engines

Oil Piston puller

Used to pull stuck oil pressure relief valve piston

Valve Guide Install Tool

For removing or installing 8mm valve guides

VW Rocker Arm Geometry Tool

For measuring push rod length on performance rocker arms

17mm Allen Socket

Used to remove transmission drain plug or IRS trailing arm pivot Allen bolts

Helping Hand Extension

The arm rest on the floor while bolted to the flywheel or a brake drum, allowing the gland or axle nut to be tightened or loosened without rotation

Dual Thread Size Wheel Balancing Adapter

Allows wide 5 wheels to be balanced on modern tire machines


King Pin Bushing Reamer

Used to ream king pin bushings on 1965 and older type 1 front spindles

*Donated by Angel Sanchez

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Digital Timing Light

Four function digital readout

  • Tachometer

  • Timing Advance

  • Dwell

  • Voltage

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Engine Compression Tester

Used to test engine compression in order to determin the engines condition

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Swing Rear Axle Bearing Puller

This puller is used to remove the rear wheel beaing from a swing axle tube.

This tool was made by Fritz and works as good as the factory VW version

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Engine Oil Pressure Tester

Used to test the engines oil pressure. This is use full to diagnose a faulty oil light or test a fresh engine

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Fuel Pressure Tester (Low Pressure)

1-10 PSI fuel pressure tester used to check the pressure a mechanical or low pressure electric fuel pump use on carbureted vehicles

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VW Bus Steering Wheel Removal Tool

These two giant washers are used as a support surface when using a puller to remove the steering wheel from a Bus

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Fuel Pressure Tester (High Pressure)

0-140 PSI fuel pressure tester used to check the pressure of a fuel injected vehicle to diagnose pump, regulator, or injector issues

Tools Available From Other Club Members:

VW Tow Bar (Type 1 & Type 2 Available)

For flat towing VWs, both use a 2" tow ball, and the vehicle must be registered to legally tow this way.

*I also have magnetic lights if needed

(Type 1 does not work on super beetles or excessively lowered cars. Type 2 may require removal of stabilizer)

Engine Starter Adapter

Allows the starting of an engine while out of a vehicle (it's not pretty, but works well)

Spring Plate Adjusting Tool

Used to remove or install torsion bar spring plates when adjusting rear suspension

Factory Valve Spring Remover

You can't take this home with you but your welcome to stop by and use it.

Need a specialty tool that we don't show available? Send us an email and tell us about it, we may be able to add it to the program or know of a member that has one you could use.

Loaner Tool Program Rules:

1. This program is only available to Club Members in good standing in the current year.

2. Users must fill out a sign out sheet.

3. Tools can be signed out for a maximum of 14 days and must be picked up and returned by the user.

4. Users must inspect tools prior to signing them out, all tools must be returned in the same condition as issued. It is the Club Member's responsibility to replace (pay for) any tools or tool components that are lost or broken while signed out to them.

5. The tool user assumes all responsibility for any damage or injury that may occur. Please wear safety glasses and take all safety precautions possible before attempting any repairs.

To sign out a tool and arrange pickup/return call, text or email Jason Rennick at 603-475-1543 or

Proud to be the New Hampshire Chapter of the

Vintage Volkswagen Club of America

The Bug Club - Copyright 2025

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